If You’re New to Grace . . .

Hi there and welcome to Grace,

I’m assuming you’ve either started attending or you’re considering attending our Sunday service. We’d like to extend a very warm welcome to you and if you have joined us, we hope you’re starting to feel right at home. I’d like to say right from the outset that whilst we really love the way we do church and the wonderful people who call Grace home, we’re not perfect and our style won’t appeal to everyone. That’s why it’s so good living in Hobart. There are so many great churches catering to all sorts of different people.

But if you do feel that we’re your cup of tea then we want to do everything we can to make your introduction to Grace as smooth and as easy as possible. You’ll find info on our site about some of the things we like to do and we’re more than happy to answer any questions you might have. Our pastors are very friendly and would love to answer any questions you might have, so just head over to our contact page and drop us a line.