Our Latest Series
Below are a number of preaching series that you may find helpful
Dying to Live (2024)
The key to the kingdom and so much more
Grace Girls Evergreen (2024)
Jenny Barton speaking at our annual Grace Girls event
The Things Jesus Said (2023)
This year we’re starting off a series in which we’ll look at some of the things that Jesus said, that could be considered, startling, shocking, controversial, profound, and always deeply challenging.
Grace Girls Blossom (2023)
Deborah Hilton speaking at our annual Grace Girls event
Where’s God (2022)
The longest series in the history of Grace
Grace Lavished (2022)
Cath Wills speaking at our annual Grace Girls event
Healthy, Growing & Full of Love (2022)
God’s plan for our lives, our church and our community.
From Dreams to Reality (2021)
Everyone can dream, but not everyone sees their dreams come to pass.
The ABC’s of Church (2021)
How to thrive in your local church
Sorry Kid, it Ain’t Gonna Happen (2020)
Another look at Ecclesiastes
Growing Beyond the Normal (2020)
Practical keys that will help you to grow